The Garden Party urgently needs people to join the committee and help do the advance planning and organising. It is immensely satisfying to sit back at the end of the carnival and know you have played your part in making it all happen. Committee members meet one evening a month as a full body. We have sub committee teams covering the areas
Administration, Finance, Publicity, Safeguarding, Stall Bookings, Entertainments management and Carnival Development. If you have skills or interests in the above please get in touch, we would love to have you.
The carnival needs volunteers on the day too, people who will make the event a success.
Can you help with tasks such as marking out the stalls and arena, or putting up the marquees and gazebos used by the carnival itself – and taking them down again?
Would you like to be a marshal for the event – helping stall holders and visitors find their way about the event, and supervising vehicle movements at the start and finish?
There was no Stannington Carnival in 2020 or 2021. To ensure there will be one again, we need more people on our team. If you could be part of that team, please get in touch.
Come to our SCOFF tent on the day of the Garden Party or
• Email us using stanningtoncarnival@gmail.com.
• Ring Bob Mynors on 07516 665770.
• Contact us via Facebook - @StanningtonCarnival.
It’s your carnival too. Carnival cannot happen without more help. It needs you to step up now and become part of the team that delivers this essential local event.